Projekt ESA ENG
Basic information
Project title: Service 4 Drought Monitoring applying Satellite Data
Project is funded by the European Space Agency under the Polish Industry Incentive Scheme. The project will be conducted from July 1, 2017 until the second half of 2020. The Project is being developed by the consortium consisting of principal partners: WIND-HYDRO company (Project Leader) and the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (Remote Sensing Centre).
Project goals
The objective of the project is to create multi-level information System for Drought Monitoring based on Earth Observation (EO) and in-situ data, delivering its services in an operational way for water demanding industry, such as: energy sector, agriculture, environment as surface waters, forest etc.
Expected results
The Project is designed to develop the system of drought monitoring and assessment based on the fusion of in-situ (meteorological and hydrological) measurements and satellite derived data as well as operational service in the form of Internet Platform for products presentation and delivery. Developed Service will enable to monitor and assess the drought conditions as well as estimating its influence on the water demanding Industry sectors. Moreover the model on Drought Risk Reduction and Pricing Models for various Water Demanding Sectors are planned to be delivered.
Work to be performed
The research work under the project will consist of analyses and comparison of in-situ (meteorological and hydrological) measurements and satellite derived data. The model based on meteorological, hydrological and satellite data will be analyzed applying Weather Research and Forecasting Model – WRF with satellite derived model, in order to establish the thresholds indicating the start and extent of drought conditions.
Project Recipients
The Project is dedicated to the Users from the Water demanding Industries, such as: energy sector, agriculture, environment as surface waters, forest etc. If you require more information, don’t hesitate to contact us.
We encourage to keep in touch with Service4Drought e-mail (Project Leader):